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The Jefferson County Agricultural Society has established a Memorial Fund for the purpose of recognizing past officers, directors, members, exhibitors, etc. of the Society.  The proceeds of the fund will be used to maintain and enlarge the memorial garden on the fairgrounds. 


In 1996 when the new administration building was erected, a garden was planted at the entrance. We have  placed a memorial plaque in the garden and  inside the office.  The family and friends of past fair  officers, directors, members and exhibitors who donate a minimum of $100 toward the Memorial Fund will be entitled to a bar on the plaque bearing the name of their loved one.








If there is a member of your family you would like to have remembered in this manner because of their interest in and contributions to the Jefferson County Agricultural Society, please send your contributions to the Memorial Committee, Jefferson County Fair, P.O. Box 8003, Watertown, N.Y. 13601.  And be sure to take a look at the plaque on your next visit to the Fair office.


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